Welcome to Class One

Sunday 29 June 2014

Outdoor !

Making the most of the beautiful day . Den building , dressing up, construction area, creative zone , magazines to read on the comfy pillows . As well as fresh sand, water and our hook a duck number bond maths game. Lots of new opportunities in our outdoor classroom :-) 

Ollie the Owls Amazing suitcase of memories

We made a list of Ollie's belongings . We tried really hard and managed to use our phonics knowledge and our diagraph cards to write the lists. Well Done reception ! 

Odds and Evens

We organised the numbers 0-20 and explored whether they were or odd or even by sharing them between our two houses. Poor Mr Cow made seven so he was odd ! Well done Frankie ,Jacob and Oliver . Super star challenge ! 

Lincolnshire Show

A whole day with children that behaved beautifully and demonstrated that have a go attitude .
Well done Red Team ! 

Max comes to visit !

Max loved exploring our outdoor area ! And what a wonderful day for it .
During Music Max listened beautifully and confidently shared his favourite song one, two ,three four five.

Mrs B visits Trystan

Trystan gave Mrs B a guided tour of his nursery ... Strawberries good enough to eat ! But only if they were red Trystan warned. 
I got to look at his special book . Trystan waded through lost of names in the word basket. He found a name beginning with J and said my sister begins with that ! After much persistence Trystan found his name and wrote his name for Mrs B to take back to school.