Welcome to Class One

Monday 12 May 2014

Ollie's Adventures with Annabelle

On Friday and Saturday I was poorly I snuggled up to Ollie. Ollie made me feel better.
My temperature was hot ollie’s temperature was just right. On Sunday
We went bowling I felt better Ollie helled me get a strike .I enjoyed looking
After Ollie.

By Annabelle

Look at Ollie's suitcase ! Can you guess what I put in the suitcase ?

My holiday

My famlee is goin on holeeday. We are stain in a shally. Mummy and dady and my bruther ar goin.

Bi Lucas 

Our Weekend News 12th May 2014

At the weekend I sor the owuls. And the owuls ar reel owuls.

Bi Jacob 

Saturday 10 May 2014

Windy Zone/ Muddy Area

The children and I are inspired to get to work on developing our outdoor area !
I know it was on Mrs Crossland's wish list to develop the aptly named 'Windy Zone' and the children and I cannot wait for our imaginations to run wild !

But we need your ideas input and help ! 

The collaborative partnership had an inspirational trip to the Eco Centre in Skegness back in September and Lennox, Ollie and I couldn't resist returning in the Easter holidays.

                                                       A badger set to crawl through !

Shh ! Do to wake the fairies or elves !

Can you see the fairy in the window ? 

Small Talk

Mrs B recorded the programme on our soundcloud account and the link is below

I will create a QR code and place it on the class newsletter.


The children deciding on the films we would be showing at Popcorn Pictures

The Lorax
Rio 2
Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs 2
The Lego Movie

They decided to print the characters from the films to make a huge poster to display.

Show and Tell

Jacob and his mum made a penguin mask.

#Jacob talked about how he made the mask, the materials he used and what his soft toy was called.


Mrs B used the 'Cut me in' app to plop Jacob and his penguin friend somewhere a little cooler ! :-) 

Can you guess where this is ? 

We will be using the 'Cut me in ' app during our Geography / Literacy lessons whilst looking at Brazil in readiness for our World Cup topic .

Stars of the Week


                                                                   6th -9th May 2014
                                                             We say congratulations to :

Star of the Week

Frankie - For working his socks off during guided reading and for applying his newly found number bond skills in Maths. You've had a brilliant couple of weeks Frankie, keep it up ! 

Handwriting Star

Jacob - For taking great pride in his handwriting as well as being extremely enthusiastic.
Great Stuff Jacob !

28th April -2nd May 2014
  We say congratulations to : 
Star of the Week

Braydie- for always keeping the golden rules . Well done Braydie.

Handwriting star of the week

Daniel - For taking great pride in his brand new handwriting book, super star writer Daniel ! 

     22nd-25th April
        We say congratulations to : 
Star of the Week

Jacob- For coming back to school and working really hard to keep the golden rules. Excellent start Jacob. 

Handwriting star of the week

Frankie- You have spent the week really looking forward to doing your handwriting task. The handwriting you have produced is beautiful and you were so proud taking your work to show Mrs Fletcher . Well done Frankie ! 

Silhouette Art

  Our Silhouette Art Project project is in the style of  William Morris .Mrs Bullen is lead teacher and creative extraordinaire in our whole school art project. Mrs Adlard came and helped the children draw around their shadows. 
                We then used the photocpopier to reduce the size and cut it out onto felt.

    We are so excited to take part in our whole school art project , Oliver showcased his hidden talent and  independently ( under Mrs Adlard's watchful eye ) sew his silouette. Oliver was super impressed. 
                                             We cannot wait to see the final product :-) 

Number Bonds to 10 and 20

      We had lots of practical problems to solve during our morning maths session.

You can listen to our cowboy number bond song.

This is my old class singing the song for you .

Instrumental version so you can sing along at home and practice you number bonds to 10 ! 

The lyrics are very simple

Yehaa !

1 and 9                                              1+9

2 and 8                                              2+8

3 and 7                                              3+7

4 and 6                                              4+6

5 and 5                                             5+5

6 and 4                                             6+4

7, 3                                                    7+3

8, 2                                                    8+2

9 and 1                                              9+1

 Our padlocks needed their Pair-key to make 10 Lucas and Jackson worked as a a great team to dig for the right key. Lucas took it one step further and recorded the different combinations so reception could use them as a guide.



                            Look Oliver found all of the combination independently ! 


Oliver next stepped his learning by using the counting beads to represent his number sentence .Oliver then attached it to the padlock to give Penny an extra clue as to which Pair Key she needed . Well done Oliver ! 


The children worked with Mrs Dawson to help Mr Sailor sort his rowdy passengers... Ollie was amongst them :-)

The children quickly realised there were 10 passengers , they moved the puppets into the two different boats and then recorded their number story in chalk on our playground.


The Numicon cafe was very popular and the children made play dough cakes using a pair of Numicon pieces. We need some plastic knives next time so we can see our number pairs clearly.


                  Penny used two different cake to show her number pair to make 10.

We like to keep things active and practical in maths


Welcome to New Leake Popcorn Pictures Cinema !


The children all decided our Cinema role play needed a name , after much deliberation we came up with... Drum roll please

                                                          Popcorn Pictures  

The girls decided that we needed a name that used alliteration . We are all loving taking money on the concession stands . The children explored our popcorn tuff spot weighing the popcorn cups and recording how much they hold. We have the sizes Large, medium and small Frankie and Jacob couldn't wait to make our price lists. 



Mrs B the Medium is double the small (Braydie) 

Before we tucked into our yummy popcorn muffins we talked about and made our own math word problems. The children used some brilliant mathematical language and applied some brilliant maths skills.... Counting in twos, estimating , halving , doubling to name but a few ! 


Friday 9 May 2014

Ollie the Friendship Owl

Well done Annabelle for being a brilliant friend in Class One this week . Even though you are poorly Ollie insisted on coming home Via your brother Charlie as he really could think of anyone more qualified for the job . Get better soon Annabelle ! 


Ollie had a fantastic time with Oliver , he came back With a full tummy after his Chinese :-) Ollie's suitcase is getting rather full now ... Can you remember what Lennox ,Jackson and Oliver put in the suitcase ? 

                                                                    Mrs B 



Ollie had his very first night away from Mrs B And Lennox with our amazing friend Jackson . Jackson had made Ollie very welcome and even made sure he got involved in all our activities.
                                                        Great stuff Jackson.


 Welcome to the Class one’s blog 

I will regularly use this blog to inform you of any important things that are happening in Class One .My class blog at Stickney was a great success and an excellent communication tool with parents, carers, other family members and pupils.

On St George's Day we acted out the historical story. We used Pic Collage to add time connectives to improve our oral recount . What do you think ? 
See if your child can retell the story using the pictures and time connectives ( you need to follow the pictures in a clock wise direction.

I must stress that this blog is for educational purposes and should not be used in the same way as a social networking site.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the blog, please let me know.

                                                            Mrs Beard